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Electronic Health Record Sharing System
Electronic Health Record Sharing System - Giving Sharing Consent

St. Paul’s Hospital has registered under Electronic Health Records Sharing System (eHealth) administered by the Hong Kong SAR Government. The Hospital can only view your eHealth records and upload your medical records into eHealth after obtaining your sharing consent. You may give or update sharing consent through the following means:

1. Call 24-hour Patient Hotline 3467 6300

  • Press "2" - Manage Sharing Consent
  • Input HKID number, Date of Birth, Telephone number and Access Key
  • Press "1" - Give Sharing Consent
  • Input HCP ID: ST. PAUL’S HOSPITAL 5156724947
  • Press "1" - Select Indefinite Consent; or Press "2" - Select One-Year Consent

2. In-Person on Your Next Visit

  • Please bring your HKID Card to our Hospital (Address: Health Information & Records Department, LG2, Block A, St. Paul’s Hospital, 2 Eastern Hospital Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong)
Guide to Application or Collection of Medical Records
Request for Medical Record's Copy / Completion of Inpatient Insurance Claim Form

Patients should apply in writing if they wish to request for duplicates of their medical records or completion of insurance claim form. Request form and detailed hospital charges with procedure may refer to "Information Sheet for Patient’s Data Request and Form". For enquiries, please contact our Health Information and Records Department at (852)2830 3779 during office hours or email to

Collection of Investigation Report

The investigation report will only be stored in respective department for three months. If the patient wants to collect the investigation reports within three months, please collect them in person or by authorized person during office hours. Please contact the hospital general hotline 2890 6008 for further enquires.

If the investigation reports were not collected within three months, the reports will be destroyed. If the patient wants to request for test reports duplicates, service charge is required, please contact the Health Information and Records Department (Tel: 2830 3779) for inquiries and application.