Urology Centre


Our Centre offers one-stop services for patients who have been suffering from urological diseases, e.g. renal stones, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer, etc. In recent years, the demand of urological diseases have increased constantly due to the aging population and the popularity of fast food diet. We are committed to providing high quality treatment with our latest technology and medical equipment to all our patients.

Service Charge


Useful Information


Request for Medical Record's Copy / Completion of Inpatient Insurance Claim Form

Patients should apply in writing if they wish to request for duplicates of their medical records or completion of insurance claim form. Request form and detailed hospital charges with procedure may refer to "Information Sheet for Patient’s Data Request and Form". For enquiries, please contact our Health Information and Records Department at (852)2830 3779 during office hours or email to sph.hird@stpaul.org.hk.

Collection of Investigation Report

The investigation report will only be stored in respective department for three months. If the patient wants to collect the investigation reports within three months, please collect them in person or by authorized person during office hours. Please contact the hospital general hotline 2890 6008 for further enquires.

If the investigation reports were not collected within three months, the reports will be destroyed. If the patient wants to request for test reports duplicates, service charge is required, please contact the Health Information and Records Department (Tel: 2830 3779) for inquiries and application.



3/F Main Block

Service Hours and Contact Us


Service Hours

Monday to Friday:
8am to 4pm
8am to 12 noon
Sunday and Public Holidays:

Contact Us

3/F Main Block
2837 5200


1. Appointment Policy:
- By Appointment Only (Tel: 28303709)
- 24-hr EWSL Services available
2. Arrangement for Black Rainstorm signal or Typhoon Signal No.8 or above:
All outpatient service appointment will be postponed. Our staff will contact the patients further to rearrange the appointment.